Oats Park Art Center in Fallon is hosting a solo show of Michelle Lassaline's latest works. We know her intricate paintings but she has also branched out into fragile 3 dimensional objects as well. The show is called "Cirque" and will be in situ until March 12. For details see Churchill Arts
Artist statement
"Cirque contains two bodies of work. The first is a series of paintings based on hikes and camping trips I have taken in the past year. The second is a group of sculptures and drawings influenced by the work of Cy Twombly (better known for his paintings, but whose sculptures impacted me.) The word cirque has two meanings: one is the geographical feature in which a mountainside is carved out by glaciers creating a large hollow amphitheater, the other is the french word for circus.
While I'm hiking, I learn about the processes that create the landscape. By understanding the way granite was formed then exposed at the base of Freel Peak, or how iron oxides colored the southern Nevada desert shades of yellow and pink, I see more of the world when I am out in it. The same sense of wonder I find outdoors is also present in my collection of objects. The sculptures are made of treasures found in gardens, forests, beaches, attics, and a bucket of carpentry scraps, with white paint and red wax as glue.
Cirque describes the two distinct halves of the exhibition, but it also touches on two important ideas in my artistic practice: the awareness and observation of the natural world, and the desire to interpret that world through imagination and creative processes."
Michelle Lassaline
Josie Luciano's insightful review for RNR of the show can be found