Holland project ROCKS!
Grounded for Life campaign is a chance for Holland Project to buy their building and carry on with youth culture, arts, entertainment and teaching.
"Over the years, Holland Project has become an important part of our community’s cultural fabric—impacting many lives, hosting unforgettable events, and infusing a youth-positive spirit and energy into our city. We’d love for you to join our Grounded for Life campaign and ensure Holland’s existence long into the future.
This is a historical moment for Holland and for our community. Few alternative arts organizations and even fewer youth-based cultural organizations nationwide are able to own the buildings they operate out of. This not only puts organizations in precarious situations, but often puts them out of operation entirely when rental prices increase, developers purchase space, landlords move in new directions, or neighborhoods change drastically. Holland seeks to avoid this kind of fate by securing its future now and creating a space that will be available for youth arts and culture for many years – no matter what." Britt Curtis
Donate to this remarkable Art Space here